
AMS Sourcing B.V. is located in the WTC Schiphol Airport offices.


Visiting address: 

WTC Schiphol Airport D-5

Schiphol Boulevard 245

1118 BH  Schiphol

The Netherlands


Arriving by airplane/train (5 minute walk):

  • From the main hall of Schiphol Airport where the entrances to the train platforms are, follow the signs marked WTC Schiphol Airport / Sheraton / Hilton.
  • When arriving at the entrance of WTC Schiphol Airport, take one escalator up, and then go left to take the elevator to the 5th floor in the D tower. AMS Sourcing is located on D5.


Arriving by car (A4 from the direction of Amsterdam or Den Haag):

  • Coming from the A4, take exit Schiphol (Exit 2).
  • Then take exit P Long term parking.
  • At the end of the exit, go straight on. Follow the signs P6 Valet and Privium 1.
  • Continue to go straight and follow the signs WTC.
  • WTC is on your right.